Top analytics metrics you should track

Do you intend to locate the most effective web analytics measures for monitoring your customers to evaluate their online marketing endeavors?

We are currently living in a time where there is a great abundance of information and technology available. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine which information should be monitored or measured.

It can be challenging to find a starting point when there is an abundance of information provided by website performance tracking tools. However, including too many metrics can actually be counterproductive as it can overwhelm the reader and make it difficult to identify the key takeaways. It is important to carefully select the metrics that are most relevant to your campaign goals and present them in a clear and concise manner. This will help you effectively communicate the success of your marketing efforts without overwhelming your audience.

Regrettably, this may lead to negative consequences instead of positive ones. Providing excessive information in reports that are not relevant can lead to clients being bewildered and generating more queries than resolution. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to design concise and straightforward reports.

It is essential to spend time thinking about which data can serve as key performance indicators (KPIs) for each client because they have their own individual needs and objectives. The significance of website analysis and the method for determining the appropriate KPIs for clients will be explored in this article.

In addition, we will review the most important measurements for a website that you can start monitoring today and use to create better marketing reports.

First, what is web analytics?

Web analytics and  website monitoring tools enable you to track the means by which users access your website and their actions upon landing on it.

Their objective is to assist in removing the uncertainty in your marketing initiatives by enabling you to recognize patterns in audience conduct over a period of time and make informed decisions using data.

Through using a tool like Analyzati, useful knowledge can be obtained by monitoring metrics, such as:

  • Pageviews
  • Sessions
  • Traffic Sources
  • Behavior 
  • Conversions
  • and more…

By utilizing web analytics, you have the ability to gain insight into a variety of information including the characteristics and actions of your audience, giving you the opportunity to analyze it in detail.

With numerous measurements available, how do you determine which ones to incorporate in the reports you provide to your clients?

Selecting appropriate web analytics metrics to use as key performance indicators (KPIs)

One crucial point to keep in mind is that while every KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is considered a metric, not all metrics qualify as KPIs. There isn’t a universal method for presenting metrics reports. Every customer is distinct and has their own objectives to look at while selecting KPIs.

It can be difficult to determine which data to monitor due to the multitude of options available. However, there are some established recommendations that can assist you in selecting the most impactful data for various situations.

When deciding which metrics to use as key performance indicators (KPIs), there are three factors that should be taken into account.

Your metrics should mirror your goals

To obtain efficient reporting, it is recommended to focus solely on the metrics that are closely related to your business goals. Despite appearing to be an easy task, reports often contain redundant details, making them longer and less effective. The primary reason for this is the lack of discernment in providing key information and using it in a focused and concise manner. vanity  metrics.

Vanity metrics are information that may boost your self-esteem but do not accurately demonstrate the effectiveness of a campaign.

Traffic can be used as an illustration of this situation. The number of monthly visitors may appear remarkable, but if they aren’t turning into customers, then measuring your endeavors with traffic would not be beneficial.

Naturally, there are instances where assessing traffic proves to be advantageous, like in the case of government websites that aim to educate the public. Alternatively, if you advertise on Instagram, you can monitor the volume of traffic generated from that platform and the proportion of it that meets your conversion targets to evaluate the success of your social media marketing strategy.

If you are running social ad campaigns, it is important to use UTMs to monitor your outcomes as website analytics tools are not very effective in precisely measuring social traffic.

UTMs can revolutionize your marketing strategy, so it’s essential to understand and implement them effectively. Our comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about UTMs and how to utilize them to your advantage. If you want to take your marketing to the next level, incorporating UTMs is a must.

Metrics should be actionable

If you aim to generate reports that are truly beneficial to clients, it is essential that your reports contain actionable data. If the person who receives the report does not have the means to act on a certain metric, that metric should not be included in the report.

An instance of this could be monitoring measurements such as the speed of loading pages. If you have limited time each month to focus on enhancing the technical aspects of your website, it’s unnecessary to include this measurement in your weekly reports. Rather, you could establish a distinct report that concentrates on the performance of your website and schedule it to be delivered on the day you can take action on the data.

By using Metrics Watch, you have the ability to schedule reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, which ensures that the appropriate data is viewed by the appropriate person at a time that allows them to take necessary action automatically.

Tailor your report to the intended recipient 

Ensure that the information presented is relevant and valuable to that person or group. This will increase the likelihood of the report being well-received and utilized effectively.

A frequent error that we come across is adding measurements that could be significant for a particular area, but not relevant to the receiver.

It is important for reports to have a specific objective and be customized according to who they are being presented to.

Excessive information can result in a state of perplexity or even a tendency to ignore data, which ultimately could lead clients to explore other solutions. On the other hand, concise reports containing only pertinent information guarantee that the recipient can effortlessly comprehend and act upon the data presented.

Do not hesitate to design different versions of a report that are tailored to the needs and preferences of the individual or team who will receive it, if you believe it will enhance their overall experience. Your customers will appreciate your efforts!

Having discussed the process of selecting appropriate data, we will now examine some top-notch web analytics metrics that can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy of your clients’ websites.


The TOP web analytics metrics for gauging performance

1. Unique Pageviews

It can be inferred that a pageview refers to the amount of instances a user views a specific page on your website.

Merely monitoring pageviews is problematic as it may not always provide helpful insights, as it includes instances when a user browses through several pages, reloads a page, or revisits a previously viewed page.

However, unique pageviews take this into account. If a user visits the same page 10 times or refreshes it, it will be counted as 10 pageviews but only 1 unique pageview.

Monitoring pageviews is useful for monitoring user activity on your website, but unique pageviews offer a more precise outlook of a website’s most viewed pages and the content that is doing better.

2. Sessions

A session on a website begins when a user interacts with it and ends when they stop using it.

What criteria does a web analytics tool use to determine the conclusion of a session?

Keeping a record of the amount of sessions can offer valuable knowledge for a company. As an illustration, eCommerce sites could utilize this measurement to determine the number of sessions that led to finished transactions in comparison to those that had items left in the cart.

3. Conversions

Establishing conversion objectives enables you to monitor instances when a user carries out a beneficial activity on your website.

Conversion tracking is beneficial as it enables you to identify the sources of traffic with the highest conversion rate. This can aid in determining the channels that require more attention to increase sales or registrations.

Remember that if you are executing several marketing initiatives, it is important to separate them to determine which one generates the most conversions.

Recall the UTMs that were previously mentioned? They will provide you with a clear view of the number of conversions that were generated from a particular campaign.

4. Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is a measure indicating the proportion of site visitors who viewed only one page and did not engage in any other activities during their session.

It is acceptable for certain pages to have a naturally elevated bounce rate.

For instance, consider blog posts where a person searches for a specific query on a search engine, clicks on a link in the results page, reads the article to find their answer, and then exits. Similarly, landing pages that have a call-to-action to contact the company by phone fall under this category.

Make sure to compare your results with the standard measurements of the industry before becoming too anxious.

Unusually high bounce rates, on the other hand, can be beneficial for pinpointing website or page-related problems, such as:

  • Slow loading page speeds
  • Being optimized for the wrong keywords
  • The material is not in line with what the user is looking for.
  • No compelling call-to-action

5. Average Time Spent on Page

This metric accurately reflects the amount of time a user spends on a page.

If you think that your bounce rate is high, then check the average time spent by users on the page. Even if there is a higher bounce rate, a website with content should see users spending a considerable amount of time reading and engaging with the content.

A significant amount of time spent on a web page can indicate if there are problems with the website’s navigation such as difficulty in finding necessary information or an issue with the signup form.

Conversely, if you notice that users are spending less time on certain pages than you anticipated, it may indicate issues such as the content not fulfilling the intended purpose or the landing page not meeting the expectations set by an advertisement.

6. Average Keyword Position

The mean position of a keyword informs you of the usual search engine results page (SERP) ranking for a specific page on your website.

Monitoring the average position of your landing page keywords can give you valuable insights on which pages are effectively fulfilling the users’ search intent, and which ones may require improvement.

It should not be overlooked as it can greatly impact the overall outcome. average The rankings displayed on a search engine results page (SERP) may differ depending on factors such as the user’s past search history and their current location.

have access to the account set up for your website. Once you log in, you’ll be taken to the dashboard where you can view various analytics reports and insights on your website’s performance. These reports can help you identify areas of improvement and optimize your website for better results.

Are you not achieving the desired outcomes for your specific keywords?

Several significant factors lead to this, including:

  • When the content does not align with the intention of users performing a search query.
  • Focusing on keywords that face fierce competition from prominent brands (known as keyword difficulty)

To begin, use a private browsing window and enter the keyword you want to focus on in the search engine. Take a look at the highest-ranking results, and assess how your own content stacks up against them.

The reason why top results are ranked highly is because they fulfill the needs of users who search for that keyword. Therefore, if you want your content to rank well, it would be beneficial to find ways to optimize it and make it more similar to the top-performing results.

7. Top Landing Pages

The landing pages with the highest traffic can be identified through the use of top landing pages. These metrics bear resemblance to the average keyword position, but they are not identical.

It is possible to have a high ranking for a keyword that is not searched much, which means there will not be many people clicking through to your website and making purchases. This is why it is crucial to monitor the traffic of your most visited pages in addition to your keyword rankings.

You can enhance the conversion rates of a website’s most visited pages by utilizing a secondary dimension, such as custom conversions, along with this metric. One option to boost the traffic of popular pages with high conversion rates is to launch a social media campaign.

There are numerous metrics that have the potential to be successful as Key Performance Indicators

Nevertheless, make sure to delve into your analytics software and apply the advice we previously discussed in this piece to assist in selecting the indicators that hold the most significance to both you and your clientele.


So what’s next?

The initial stage of tracking your data is crucial, but it’s equally important to present the collected data effectively to your clients.

That’s why we built  Analyzati. Your website needs attention and and you can generate marketing reports with the information collected.

It is the perfect solution for businesses looking to track their marketing campaigns. The tool presents data in a clear and concise format, allowing users to quickly understand the success of their campaigns. The easy-to-use interface ensures that everyone in the organization can benefit from the insights provided by the tool. This implies that clients will not have to deal with bothersome external platforms that they need to access to.

Instead, your receivers can easily access their data through an url and check their instant insgights.

Want to try it out for yourself?

Try Analyzati, 100% risk-free and with 1k pageviews per month and no credit card required!

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