
We have the right plan that helps you grow your business!

Save 10% : Annual payment

    All plans include:
  • Unlimited websites
  • Data export
  • Full API access
  • Weekly email report in your inbox
  • Track events and campaigns
  • Fully GDPR compliant

Need more pageviews/month ? Contact us for pricing


You will see an alert on your account. Until you upgrade your plan, the tracking pageviews limit will remain as your current plan.

When you register for the first time your account is Freemium. The free account has a limit of 1000 pageviews per month.

A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.

For sure. You will receive an automatic invoice after any purchase with us.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You’ll continue to have access to the features you’ve paid for until the end of your billing cycle.

You can pay with your credit card safely. We use Stripe for processing payments.

Of course. You can reach our support team sending an email to . We’ll try to answer your request in the next 24 hrs.