Tracking your website visitors is very important to understand their behaivour and get a deep knowledge on what’s happening in your website.

WordPress is a very common CMS and website builder, around 455 million websites use it in 2022!

If your website is made with WordPress, you can add our Analyzati tracking code with a powerful plugin.

We totally recommend installing the Header Footer Code Manager. It will allow you to add our script on the <head> section of your WordPress site.

After you succesfully install the pluging, activate it and create a New Snippet.

Here you have our Snippet configuration:

Remember to press Save.

Adding the script using this plugin, will track all your website pages. Obviously you can exclude pages if you need it or fine tune the Snippet for your needs.


If you don’t know how to add your domain in Analyzati, follow this article.

In case you have any question, reach our support departament sending an email to